Tru-Fi Pedals - Colordrivers are still my number one seller though I think that will change in the next 2 months - shhh. I can’t even remember where I got this Hawaiian Pineapple piece of board ? Anyway still thankful these years later to @that_pedal_show for getting the Colordriver going as they still touch base on it every so often. Very ThankFul - The Fuzz Life #thatpedalshow#tru_fi_pedals pedalporn #pineapple#fuzzface#solasound#guitarfx#colordriver#fuzztone#guitarist#stompbox#pedaloftheday#pedaloftheweek#pedaldemo#thefuzzlife#ilovefuzz#fuzzpage#guitargear#gearycoleman#thepedalzone#pedalporn#geartopia